I recently downloaded the eBook “365 Reasons to Celebrate”. This book is not like any other book I’ve ever read – it’s a list of things to celebrate every day of the year. We’re not talking about holidays or even awareness days for different health conditions – while some of these holidays actually are national, the book also lists some very off-the-wall reasons to celebrate.
Who is this book for?
This book is for anyone who’s ever wanted to find a reason to celebrate every day of the year. It’s also for anyone who’s looking for possible content for their social media or blog posts (hint: you may start seeing posts about some of these days on this blog, or on my other website, Work at Home Tips Online). Here are just some of the holidays listed in 365 Reasons to Celebrate:
- January 2- National Science Fiction Day
- January 18 – National Thesaurus Day
- February 14 – National Book Giving Day
- February 20 – Clean Out your Bookcases Day
- February 23 – Printed Book Day
- March 4 – Grammar Day
- March 21 – World Poetry Day
- April 1 – Poetry and Creative Mind Day
- April 17 – International Haiku Poetry Day
- April 21 – Big Word Day
- May 12 – Limerick Day
- July 30 – Paperback Book Day
- August 18 – Bad Poetry Day
- September 7 – National Buy a Book Day
- September 20 – National Gibberish Day
- September 24 – Punctuation Day
- October 16 – Learn a Word Day
Those were the ones I liked that related to books or writing. Here are a few of the more whimsical ones:
- March 3 – Day of Unplugging (not exactly whimsical, but I liked it because I think it’s important for us all to unplug every once in a while)
- March 15 – Everything You Think is Wrong Day
- March 28 – Respect Your Cat Day
- April 12 – Only Child Day (liked this one because I was an only child for the first 27 years of my life)
- May 2 – National Play Your Ukelele Day
- May 9 – Tear the Tags off the Mattress Day
- May 27 – Cellophane Tape Day
- June 7 – National Chocolate Ice Cream Day
- June 16 – Wish Fulfillment Day
- June 21 – National Selfie Day
- June 28 – International Caps Lock Day (I HATE IT WHEN PEOPLE TYPE IN ALL CAPS).
- July 10 – Don’t Step on a Bee Day (liked this one because I’m allergic to bees – I try to stay away from them at all costs!!)
As you can see, there’s a reason to celebrate every day of the year. If you’re always looking for some new reason to celebrate, you should definitely check out this book. And be on the lookout for posts related to some of the holidays in the first list!
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